Section 301
Section 301: List 4A & 4B ($300 Billion Trade Action)
List 4A
7.5% Tariff
Effective 02/14/20
List 4B
(15% Tariff)
Suspended until further notice
List 4A Product Exclusions Granted June 08, 2020 - 9903.88.49
32 product exclusions / 2 entire subheading​
List 4A Product Exclusions Granted May 04, 2020 - 9903.88.47
8 product exclusions​
List 3/4A Product Exclusions Granted May 04, 2020 - 9903.88.46
146 product exclusions​
List 4A Product Exclusions Granted March 25, 2020 - 9903.88.44
12 product exclusions​
List 4A Product Exclusions Granted March 12, 2020 - 9903.88.42​
List 4A Product Exclusions Granted March 10, 2020- 9903.88.39​
Section 301: List 3 ($200 Billion Trade Action)
List 3
25% Tariff
Effective 05/10/19
Phase 1 deal had no affect on List 3
List 3 Products were originally 10% from 9/24/18 to 05/09/19
List 3 Product Exclusions Granted (April 22, 2020) - 9903.88.45
108 product exclusions​
List 3 Product Exclusions Granted (March 20, 2020) - 9903.88.43
177 product exclusions​
List 3 Product Exclusions Granted (March 12, 2020) - 9903.88.41
5 product exclusions​
List 3 Product Exclusions Granted (February 20, 2020)- 9903.88.40
47 product exclusions​
List 3 Product Exclusions Granted (February 5, 2020) - 9903.88.38
119 product exclusions​
List 3 Product Exclusions Granted (January 6, 2020) - 9903.88.37
68 product exclusions​
List 3 Product Exclusions Granted (December 17, 2019) - 9903.88.36
44 product exclusions​
List 3 Product Exclusions Granted (November 29, 2019) - 9903.88.35
32 product exclusions​
List 3 Product Exclusions Granted (November 13, 2019) - 9903.88.34
36 product exclusions​
List 3 Product Exclusions Granted (October 28, 2019 ) - 9903.88.33
83 product exclusions​
List 3 Product Exclusions Granted (September 20, 2019) - 9903.88.18
38 product exclusions​
List 3 Product Exclusions Granted (August 7, 2019) - 9903.88.13
10 product exclusions​​
Section 301: List 2 ($16 Billion Trade Action)
List 2
Effective 08/23/18
Phase 1 deal had no affect on list 2
List 2 Product Exclusions Granted (February 25, 2020)
Correction: ​Skateboards with electric power for propulsion, of a power of 1.0 kW or more but not over 2.1 kW (described in statistical reporting number 8711.60.0090, effective July 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8711.60.0000, prior to July 1, 2019) - 9903.88.17
Correction: Silicone presented in 210 liter (55 gallon) drums or 1,040 liter (275 gallon) intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) (described in statistical reporting number 3910.00.0000) - 9903.88.20
List 2 Product Exclusions Granted (October 2, 2019) - 9903.88.20
111 product exclusions​
List 2 Product Exclusions Granted (September 20, 2019) - 9903.88.17
89 product exclusions
List 2 Product Exclusions Granted (July 31, 2019) - 9903.88.12
69 product exclusions​
Section 301: List 1 ($34 Billion Trade Action)
List 1
Effective 07/06/18
Phase 1 deal had no affect on list 1
List 1 Product Exclusions Granted February 11, 2020 - Amendment​
List 1 Product Exclusions Granted October 2, 2019 - 9903.88.19
92 product exclusions​
List 1 Product Exclusions Granted September 20, 2019 - 9903.88.14
List 1 Product​ Exclusions Granted July 9, 2019 - 9903.88.11
List 1 Product​ Exclusions Granted June 4, 2019 - 9903.88.10
89 product exclusions​
List 1 Product Exclusions Granted May 14, 2019 - 9903.88.08
40 product exclusions​
List 1 Product Exclusions Granted April 18, 2019 - ​9903.88.07
21 product exclusions​​
List 1 Product ​Exclusions Granted March 25, 2019 - 9903.88.06
33 product exclusions​
List 1 Product​ Exclusions Granted December 28, 2018 - 9903.88.05
21 product exclusions​